Sample Ballots - General Election

Please on each link to view the sample ballots for the each township
AS001 ARBORETUM - Ashton-Belvidere-Kennebec, Cities of Castana & Turin Includes: Ashton (excluding City of Whiting), Belvidere, Kennebec, Cities of Castana & Turin
AS001 ARBORETUM - Center Township Includes: Center Township
CP002 MAPLETON CITY OFFICE - Cooper, Maple, City of Mapleton Includes: Cooper, Maple and the City of Mapleton
FV003 WHITING CITY OFFICE - Fairview, Grant, Lake, Lincoln, West Fork, Westwood School PM Includes: Fairview, Grant, Lake, Lincoln, West Fork, Westwood School District
MH004 MOORHEAD COMMUNITY BLDG - Jordan, Spring Valley, Cities of Moorhead & Soldier Includes: Jordan, Spring Valley, City of Moorhead, City of Soldier
MH004 MOORHEAD COMMUNITY BLDG - Willow Township w/IWCC Public Measure Willow Township in the Iowa Western Community College District
SH009 BLENCOE - City of Blencoe, Franklin, Sherman Includes: Franklin, Sherman, City of Blencoe
SH009 BLENCOE - Sioux Township w/IWCC Includes Iowa Western Community College Public Measure
STC10 UTE CITY HALL - St. Clair, City of Ute Includes: St. Clair, City of Ute