Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out what is happening with the case in which I am a victim?
I am a victim of a crime, and I want to drop the charges against someone; what do I do?
I have jury duty and can't make it; what do I do?
I have questions or issues with child support; what should I do?
I missed a court appearance; what do I do?
I need a court-appointed attorney; how do I get one?
I received a subpoena; what do I do?
I want a no contact order; where do I go?
I want to drop a no contact order; what do I do?
I want to file charges against someone; what do I need to do?
Where do I pay my fines?

Driver License Reinstatement Program

What is the Driver License Reinstatement Program (DLR)?
How do I start the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
How long does the application process take?
Do I need car insurance to be on the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
How do I get insurance if I don’t own a vehicle?
How do I make payments?
Can I get my vehicle registration hold lifted if I get on the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
How do I remain in good standing on the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
If I was on the Driver License Reinstatement Program and revoked, can I get back on?
Can I add a ticket I just got on a Driver License Reinstatement Program?
Can my civil penalties be added to my Driver License Reinstatement Program?
Can fines from counties other than Monona be put on the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
When is a case eligible for a Driver License Reinstatement Program?
Can ticket(s) from other states be put on the Driver License Reinstatement Program?
Do I need SR-22?
Can I be on the Driver License Reinstatement Program if my License is barred?
Can you have money taken directly out of my bank account?
Who do I contact if I have other questions about my driver’s license?